Benefits of Scrum of Scrum


Benefits of Scrum of Scrum

Scrum of Scrums (SoS) is an Agile framework that is designed to manage complex projects by breaking them into smaller, manageable parts. It is particularly useful for large engineering organizations that are working on complex projects. This framework helps teams to coordinate their efforts, improve communication, and streamline project management.

In this post, I will explore the benefits of using the Scrum of Scrums framework in engineering organizations. I will begin by providing an overview of Scrum and then move on to discuss the Scrum of Scrums framework. I will then explain the benefits of using this framework in engineering organizations, including improved communication, better collaboration, and greater efficiency.

Overview of Scrum

Scrum is an Agile framework that is used for project management. It is a flexible, iterative approach to software development that is designed to improve the speed and efficiency of the development process. Scrum emphasizes teamwork, collaboration, and frequent communication between team members.

At the heart of Scrum is the Sprint, which is a short, time-boxed period of development. Sprints usually last between two and four weeks, during which time the team works on a specific set of tasks. At the end of each Sprint, the team reviews its progress and adjusts its plan for the next Sprint.

Scrum is characterized by its focus on the roles, artifacts, and ceremonies that define the framework. The key roles in Scrum include the Scrum Master, the Product Owner, and the Development Team. The Scrum Master is responsible for facilitating the process and ensuring that the team follows the framework. The Product Owner is responsible for managing the product backlog, which is a list of features and tasks that need to be completed. The Development Team is responsible for implementing the tasks in the product backlog.

The Scrum framework also includes several artifacts, such as the product backlog, the Sprint backlog, and the Sprint review. The product backlog is a prioritized list of features and tasks that need to be completed. The Sprint backlog is a list of tasks that the team plans to complete during the current Sprint. The Sprint review is a meeting at the end of each Sprint where the team reviews its progress and discusses any changes that need to be made.

Overview of Scrum of Scrums

Scrum of Scrums (SoS) is an Agile framework that is designed to manage complex projects. It is a scaled version of Scrum that is used when multiple teams are working together on a large project. SoS is used to coordinate the work of multiple Scrum teams, each of which is responsible for a specific set of tasks.

The key element of SoS is the Scrum of Scrums meeting, which is a meeting that is held regularly (usually daily) to coordinate the work of the different Scrum teams. The Scrum of Scrums meeting is attended by representatives from each team, who report on their progress and any issues that need to be addressed.

The Scrum of Scrums meeting follows the same format as a regular Scrum meeting. Each representative reports on the progress of their team and any issues that need to be addressed. The Scrum of Scrums meeting is also used to identify any dependencies between the different teams and to coordinate their efforts.

Benefits of Scrum of Scrums in Engineering Organizations

The Scrum of Scrums framework offers several benefits for engineering organizations. These benefits include improved communication, better collaboration, and greater efficiency.

Improved Communication

The Scrum of Scrums framework improves communication between teams, which is crucial for the success of any project. With multiple teams working on different aspects of a project, it can be challenging to keep everyone informed about progress and changes. The Scrum of Scrums meeting provides a forum for representatives from each team to share updates on their progress, identify dependencies, and discuss any issues that need to be addressed. This regular communication helps to ensure that everyone is on the same page, and any issues are identified and resolved quickly.

Better Collaboration

Effective collaboration is essential for the success of any project, particularly in engineering organizations where multiple teams are working together. The Scrum of Scrums framework encourages collaboration by providing a forum for representatives from each team to work together to identify dependencies, resolve issues, and coordinate their efforts. This collaboration helps to ensure that each team is aware of what the others are doing and can work together to achieve the project's goals.

Greater Efficiency

The Scrum of Scrums framework also improves the efficiency of project management in engineering organizations. By breaking the project into smaller, more manageable parts, the framework enables teams to focus on specific tasks and achieve them quickly. Regular Scrum of Scrums meetings help to ensure that everyone is aware of their responsibilities and dependencies and can work together to achieve the project's goals efficiently.

Better Risk Management

In any project, there are risks that need to be managed. The Scrum of Scrums framework provides a platform for representatives from each team to discuss any risks that have been identified and develop strategies to manage them. This proactive approach to risk management helps to ensure that any potential issues are identified and addressed before they become significant problems.

Improved Product Quality

The Scrum of Scrums framework also leads to improved product quality in engineering organizations. The regular communication and collaboration between teams help to identify issues and resolve them quickly, ensuring that the final product is of high quality. Additionally, the framework enables teams to focus on specific tasks and achieve them efficiently, which results in a better product overall.


In conclusion, the Scrum of Scrums framework is an effective way to manage large, complex projects in engineering organizations. The framework improves communication, encourages collaboration, and leads to greater efficiency. It also enables better risk management and improved product quality. By implementing the Scrum of Scrums framework, engineering organizations can better manage their projects and achieve their goals efficiently.