Why Career Reflections Are Important and You Need to Do it Now!

Reflect on your Career on a regular cadence

At the Intersection of Technology, Innovation and Entertainment

Times have been so fast and furious in my current role at TiVo that it was not until I talked to a senior executive that I realized my career has come full circle.  We hear so often that we need to reflect as leaders on experiences and know it is a best practice, but how many practice the reflection process? 

It was an ah-ha moment when I thought back to my undergrad experience of starting a company – VisionQuest Foundation with a few of my fellow Binghamton University Computer Science classmates.  The goal of this company was to bring high-tech speakers that might only ever speak at the most prestigious universities and stream / beam the interview across the world.  Funding was secured by Cisco, Microsoft, and Yahoo.  When I think about the technology available in 2000 with still dial-up internet, we were ahead of the times by streaming the content over the internet and hiring a production company to broadcast via Satellite for other universities to pick up via the National Technical University system.  Miraculously we were able to land the inventor of the modern-day internet – Tim Berners-Lee and our team of college classmates arrived at the New York Times building for an interview about the company.  I still read the New York Times Article occasionally and think about how crazy it is that we made this happen successfully.

Full Circle

As a leader at TiVo, I feel the freedom I once felt regarding the support of innovative thought, support to try a few crazy ideas, and ownership to drive a new wave of products that will be innovative for the times that we live.  We work with so many of the streaming and satellite companies that are household names across the world and I personally find the marriage of technology and entertainment as rewarding as I did during the college startup. 

Reflection Renews Energy

Beyond realizing a renewed passion about how much I enjoy working at the intersection of technology, innovation, and entertainment, it makes me realize the importance of reflection in our careers.  Everyone should consciously take time on a regular cadence to:
  1. Write down your recent accomplishments
  2. Write down your recent struggles
  3. Review your previous notes to see if there are trends occurring
Reflect on 1-3 to strategize and ask honest questions to yourself about the current state of your career.  If you are excited and energized like I am, what do you need to do to keep the excitement.  If you find changes might be need in your career to make it more enjoyable, strategize on what your goals need to be before your next reflection period.

Wrapping it Up

Thinking and taking time to reflect is an important part of everyone’s career that often is neglected.  By taking the time at certain intervals through the year, this will keep you focused on the path that is driven by you.  Be an active part of your career development and I guarantee you will find more fulfillment.  Get up, go reflect, and make your own path forward!  

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