Strategies to Reduce Defect Escapes Defect escape rates, also known as defect leakage or defect seepage, refer to the percentage of defects that are not detected during testing and make their way i…
Facilitating Change in Organization Change is an inevitable part of organizational life. It can be driven by internal or external factors such as technology advancements, shifts in market demand, o…
Benefits of Scrum of Scrum Scrum of Scrums (SoS) is an Agile framework that is designed to manage complex projects by breaking them into smaller, manageable parts. It is particularly useful for lar…
How to Add Twitter Cards to your Blogger Site Twitter Cards are not automated out of the box As I started to setup my blog for sharing via Twitter links, I quickly learned that only links were bei…
What is this Syndrome? Have you ever been in a meeting with extremely smart people, everyone agrees to move forward to do something, and then when you are in break out sessions doing the work …
Sharing The Gift of Experience The Next Era – Knowledge Sharing Over the last couple years, I have had tremendous enjoyment mentoring team members to become technical leaders, helping so…
Strategy for a Valuable Sprint Demo Are you Really Finishing a Sprint Successfully? Looking back over a decade of leading agile software development teams, there seems to be a trend wi…
Innovating is a State of Mind Many people might not know that TiVo is know for …
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